

Wednesdays @ 1
As it says:
every Wednesday here at 1pm - Come in to watch, think and reflect on life during these unprecedented days…
Wednesdays @ 1 is a time for anyone to take time out, come in, think and reflect. Each week there will be a short video on a theme, times of silence, and times of prayer. It will last approximately 20 minutes after which people are free to stay seated in the church to continue to reflect on their own.
Please be aware that COVID restrictions must be adhered to. These include wearing a face covering, using the hand sanitiser provided, sitting mainly individually in designated seats and keeping 2 metres apart at all times both outside and inside of the church. There is also a very restricted capacity. Therefore if you wish to come please email the church using the email below or on the "Contact" page. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Ebenezer Church
Understanding Life's Path
Understanding Life's Path
Understanding (Is there such a thing as Truth, and if so where do we find it?), Life (how did it begin and what is it all about?) and a Path (is there a path to help us understand life and could Jesus be it?) . This course is under development

Seeking to know more
You may be seeking to understand life; you may have questions about the Christian Faith or you may want to grow more in your own faith and understanding.
A professor training Christian ministers wisely said to his students: " If you are making people think then you are some way towards doing your job well." Understanding requires thinking, asking questions and in the end humility- realising that we as humans need help to gain understanding. Truth makes sense of what we see, feel and know. Even though we are not responsible for the content of the following resources, may they help you in your seeking of wisdom:

Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Swansquare, Haverfordwest SA61 2HD
Contact: info@ebenezerchurchhaverfordwest.org